Lubbock Lawyers & Their Rich History
In 1970, after a huge tornado devastated Lubbock, the Lubbock Area Bar Association was heavily involved in rebuilding. More than 104 members of the bar gave between sixteen hundred and eighteen hundred hours of free work to residents in the area, aiding them in reestablishing their lives.
The first female Lubbock lawyer, Emma K. Boone was a native of Bynum, Hill County, Texas, Born in 1888, Emma was a direct descendant of Squire Boone, brother of the iconic Kentucky frontiersman, Daniel Boone.
Lubbock County supported a whopping 9 attorneys by 1893, and six lawyers were residents of Lubbock County in 1894. Thus, in a community of no more than 200, Lubbock had an attorney-client ratio in the 1890’s as high as one lawyer for every 22 county residents.
In 1932, a magnificent federal courtroom was installed on the third floor of the brand-new U.S. Post Office Building, at 800 Broadway equipped with art-deco architecture, floor-to-ceiling windows, hand-carved oak paneling, hardwood floors and marble trim.
Did you know?
One can imagine how difficult it must have been to earn a living as a lawyer in a community in which perhaps only four or five lawsuits were filed yearly on the entire civil and criminal docket, including both county and district courts. The district judge would “ride the circuit,” holding court at appointed times in various county seats of the far-flung district, and trial lawyers were forced to…