SPTLA Monthly Meeting
Texas Tech Club Lubbock, texasWednesday, March 18, 2020 at noon at the Texas Tech Club. This month’s meeting will be Jim Mitchell, PayneMitchell Law Group presenting on “Preparing Plaintiffs to Testify.”
Wednesday, March 18, 2020 at noon at the Texas Tech Club. This month’s meeting will be Jim Mitchell, PayneMitchell Law Group presenting on “Preparing Plaintiffs to Testify.”
Speaker: Ben Garcia, "Marital Property" Lubbock County Women Lawyers' Association Invites you to the March Luncheon ~~~ Thursday, March 19, 2020, at noon Lubbock Women's Club - 2020 Broadway Avenue...
Building Blocks of Wills Estates and Probate 2020 Announcement
Speaker: TBA
please contact Mike Calfin, mcalfin@nts-online.net, to volunteer or for more information.
Location: TBA
Speaker: Chris Ritter This meeting will be broadcast via video conference. Information will be sent to members as soon as it becomes available.
Speaker: Hon. Les Hatch, 237th District Court, Lubbock County, Texas Topic: 2020 Year End Review: Civil Law free for LABA Members. Contact info@lubbockareabar.org for registration information.